• Locked

Roblox Username:Elmidasblanco

Discord ID:625391861703376916

Ban Length: permanently

Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @capturedchild#0

Ban Reason:GTA-D - Class C.

Why I Should Be Unbanned: Hello,good night i would like to be unbanned because the reason I was driving like an energumero and like a jerk is because I was fleeing from the police and I was dying and I didn't feel like dying because I was in a stolen patrol car and they were going to beat me up. I can admit that what I have done is wrong that I have screwed up but I would like to be able to enjoy the game again and if they lift my ban I promise or I will try to ensure that what I have done does not happen again.

Time of Occurrence: 7/3/2024 2:05:59 AM

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: -

Have you read, understood, and followed the ban appeal rules? (Y/N): Y

Note: Ensure you have carefully read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal.

  • Locked
Ban Appeal

Roblox Username: TarHades
Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 556698671308341249

Ban Length: Perm

Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Jensenkeepers

Ban Reason: FRP, 2x TK

Why I Should Be Unbanned: Hello! I should be unbanned because, I was already hesitant due to the LASD obviously attempting to have "fun" & by that troll around and be a bit unprofessional. I had no issue with this original and was even RDM'd/TK'd by them after a joke. As I attempted to slide into a more serious route as I patrolled as RPD I had pulled over LASD to question why they were in Perris as it's out of their jurisdiction, and what they were doing here. As I pulled them over they immediately jumped out of their vehicle taking hostile in game to which I pulled my firearm in an act of self defense to protect myself. I asked for hands however they continued to move forwards continuing to talk with hostility in chat, I looked to my left as one had his fist up and another brought a baton so I stepped backwards attempting to gain distance and hopefully diffuse the situation. As I did so one of the LASD had drawn a weapon to which my immediate reaction was to shoot. Anyone can be a danger in the line of duty and these acts of hostility led up to me eventually shooting him, as I turned there was another who had drawn to which I swiftly put him down as well. You may then see that instead of mowing down the rest I was planning to handle them without lethal but was quickly ambushed on the left and shot.

I deserve to be unbanned because I was simply acting out in roleplay and doing my job as one should. Their acts of FRP and Trolling with hardly any intent to roleplay with the bit they did being borderline led me to these actions against another LEO as I feared for my life.

Time of Occurrence: 7/2/24 1:43:58 AM
(Please refer to [Ban List](https://simpleadm.in/banlist) for this information.)

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: @RelentlessZapNuka

Have you read, understood, and followed the ban appeal rules? (Y/N): Y

Additional Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/ibrxLG1DTpIoxnfXU/d1337htbCnj2?invite=cr-MSwyaEYsMjA5MDI0NCw

Their Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/ibrtDPXp27S0Ijbgs/d1337ORJgugv?invite=cr-MSxQQzAsMjEzMzM2MDA1LA

My Notes: I don't wish for anyone involved to be in trouble, I'm simply here to roleplay and have fun. Never have I had the intent not to Roleplay.

Note: Ensure you have carefully read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal.

  • Locked
Ban Appeal

Roblox Username: flacko (i_Spxrks)
Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 452637721773604869

Ban Length: Permanently

(Please refer to [Ban List](https://simpleadm.in/banlist) for this information.)

Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @capturedchild
(Please refer to [Ban List](https://simpleadm.in/banlist) for this information.)

Ban Reason: RTAA x1, LTAA x1, NITRP
(Please refer to [Ban List](https://simpleadm.in/banlist) for this information.)

Why I Should Be Unbanned: I understand my actions and what I have done, I acted unaccordingly but I also have never been banned before or even have a warning on record. I've been playing this game since before Mountain Interactive was an actual company (Mountain Studios) and I really enjoy the community and it's projects. I've always been decent at what I do in game, besides for recently of course, that I can shamefully admit. I, once again, apologize for what I've done. Thank you.
(Explain why you believe the ban should be lifted.)

Time of Occurrence: 07/02/2024 4:56am (EST)
(Please refer to [Ban List](https://simpleadm.in/banlist) for this information.)

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A

Have you read, understood, and followed the ban appeal rules? (Y/N): Y

Ensure you have carefully read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal.

  • Locked
Accepted Player report for "Foxythewolf576813"

Roblox Username: Stormswrld
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 549712677325242368
Your RP Name: Brennan Austin

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Foxythewolf576813

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional):N/A

Give us an Incident Description:
I was on a 10-11 with an FBI agent who had ran a red light. I was speaking with him out of his van and the suspect ran up unprovoked and rdmed me.

What rules / offences did the player break: RDM

How long do you think the player be punished for: 3 Days

Time of Occurrence: 1:50 PM EST
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

Proof: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/ibILfgVfz-zkPbOKQ/d1337fA79q0c?invite=cr-MSxNS1osNzIyNjg3NTAs1719943184518.png

  • Locked
False Discord Ban

Roblox username: XxYoUrDeAd_x
Discord ID: 768320464438296587
Rp Name: Colton Gomez

Ban Length: N/A (Was not looking at the server at that time i was banned)
Banning Staff Member: (Unknown due to me not looking at the server)

Ban Reason: Being a furry
Why i should be unbanned i was not looking at the server at that time i was banned and i was minding my own business at the time when i was banned and i don't know the staff member that banned me or the ban length.


    • Like
Positive The best example of MI Staff I have ever seen

Staff Member : @Efejajs
Review rating 10/10
Review Notes: As a member for almost 3 years, I don't think I have ever seen a better example of the way staff members should always be, Efe responds to every staff call with the highest of standards every time. This is the model staff member MI should really cherish. Even as a mod, he acts better than the highest-ranking staff. I still can't wrap my head and understand how he is only a mod.
  • Like
Reactions: Efejajs

  • Locked
Accepted LexIsVeryCooI - FRP

Roblox Username: Haydz6
Discord ID: 196238629952028672
Your RP Name: Adam Beck

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: LexIsVeryCooI

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A

Give us an Incident Description: LexIsVeryCooI was shot and downed, he was cuffed and revived. Once he was up, he equipped a gun while cuffed and shot me killing me.

What rules / offences did the player break: FRP

How long do you think the player be punished for: 1 day

Time of Occurrence: 7:48PM 2/07/2024 AEST
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

Kill log: https://discord.com/channels/902369439545180180/926297622212411432/1257634001963974679
Video: Login to view embedded media View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFDF2exJ3uc

  • Locked
Accepted Batman255ksa - Multiple Attempted RTAA

Roblox Username: Haydz6
Discord ID: 196238629952028672
Your RP Name: Adam Beck

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Batman255ksa

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A

Give us an Incident Description: Batman255ksa was pulled over for evading police and was arrested on a felony stop. During the arrest, he tries to spam change teams to avoid his arrest. (No mods were on during this scene)

What rules / offences did the player break: RTAA

How long do you think the player be punished for: 1 day

Time of Occurrence: 7:34PM 2/07/2024 AEST
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

Video: Login to view embedded media View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSe7RgkVVAA

  • Locked
Tautv43's discord ban appeal

Roblox Username: tautv43
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 937969017967218738
Your RP Name: Jackson Bradley

Ban Length: Permanent
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):

Ban Reason: Posting a gif of a syringe with unknown liquid inside
Why I should be unbanned: Lets start off with what happened. I sent a gif of a syringe with a brown liquid inside. It was unspecified what liquid it is and there was no way to know what it is, it should've never been assumed that those are drugs. I, the appealer am a lover of this community.
The staff team is friendly, I made multiple reports of rule breakers in game. Some of them got resolved some did not. I really do not want to let this community go because of my effort to stay there for a year already. My donations show the proof of my love and care for the community of the glorious "Mountain Interactive Corporation". I understand that you need to take action for this GIF because some people can misinterpret my message, they may think those are drugs like some of your staff members did.
Overall, I really love this community, If I am to be un-banned I would never let this sort of thing happen again and I would report ANY of the mishap (rule breakers) I see, no matter if they are my friends.

Kind regards,
The appealer, platinum donator.

Time of Occurrence:
Additional members involved/witnessing: The staff team.

Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: (Y/N) Yes

  • Locked

I was rdm by someone, a cop, for holding my gun for like one second, and no other cop minded it but him who decided to shoot me even when the gun was put back, and may I have added it was a hostage.

name: I didn't get it as the server shutdown when I was going to take ss

Proof: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/ibxF20aBKpAjKNKju/d13373kzRRkO?invite=cr-MSxwWFUsMjAyMTEwMDcxLA
This was not only me with my gun out as there was two others with their guns out and cops did nothing, but this cop decide if he could shoot someone just for holding their gun out.

Positive Best staff member ever

Staff Member: @SirDarkXIV
Review Rating:10/10
Review Notes: Amazing staff member!! I was told their was a suspect in a red car that they had a BOLO out for because the man was armed I shot at the car but it was the wrong car immediately Dark showed up and jailed me and talked to me saying how he understand I didn’t do it on purpose knowing it was the wrong car but he talked to me and gave me a second chance! Other staff members will ban you immediately but dark understands people.

Overall he’s a very cool staff member and you guys should definitely keep this guy!!-TheDevChart

  • Locked
Accepted RDM x1

Roblox Username:foxyguyyy
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 478337284660527117
Your RP Name:Benson Carney

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting:gigospizza8

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional) (Couldn't find it)

Give us an Incident Description:What happened is I got arrested for jay walking which I don't even think is a crime in CA. After that I got drove to the sheriff station but the officer stopped around the fire department, opened his back door, and shot me with his pistol while I was still cuffed in the back.

What rules / offences did the player break: RDM

How long do you think the player be punished for: 2 days

Time of Occurrence: Around 8:30 PM MST
Additional members involved/witnessing: No one else saw it pretty sure

  • Question
What the silly happened

So basically I was rdm by this sherrif and I was also in cuffs in the back of his car, how silly. Anyways when I respawned I couldn't move but I could still lean, crouch, and go prone. I tried to fix it by switching teams then switching back but it broke it even more to the point where I couldn't even do any of the movements from before. After that I left and rejoined the same server but when I did I was in jail. So erm uh what happened?
