Roblox Username: TarHades
Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 556698671308341249
Ban Length: Perm
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):
Ban Reason: FRP, 2x TK
Why I Should Be Unbanned: Hello! I should be unbanned because, I was already hesitant due to the LASD obviously attempting to have "fun" & by that troll around and be a bit unprofessional. I had no issue with this original and was even RDM'd/TK'd by them after a joke. As I attempted to slide into a more serious route as I patrolled as RPD I had pulled over LASD to question why they were in Perris as it's out of their jurisdiction, and what they were doing here. As I pulled them over they immediately jumped out of their vehicle taking hostile in game to which I pulled my firearm in an act of self defense to protect myself. I asked for hands however they continued to move forwards continuing to talk with hostility in chat, I looked to my left as one had his fist up and another brought a baton so I stepped backwards attempting to gain distance and hopefully diffuse the situation. As I did so one of the LASD had drawn a weapon to which my immediate reaction was to shoot. Anyone can be a danger in the line of duty and these acts of hostility led up to me eventually shooting him, as I turned there was another who had drawn to which I swiftly put him down as well. You may then see that instead of mowing down the rest I was planning to handle them without lethal but was quickly ambushed on the left and shot.
I deserve to be unbanned because I was simply acting out in roleplay and doing my job as one should. Their acts of FRP and Trolling with hardly any intent to roleplay with the bit they did being borderline led me to these actions against another LEO as I feared for my life.
Time of Occurrence: 7/2/24 1:43:58 AM
(Please refer to [Ban List]( for this information.)
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing:
Have you read, understood, and followed the ban appeal rules? (Y/N): Y
Additional Evidence:
11 Views. Watch Untitled and millions of other Roblox videos on Medal, the #1 Game Clip Platform.
Their Evidence:
My Notes: I don't wish for anyone involved to be in trouble, I'm simply here to roleplay and have fun. Never have I had the intent not to Roleplay.
Note: Ensure you have carefully read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal.