Roblox Username: SC0RPIO_Q
Discord Tag SC0RPIO_Q#2500
Your RP Name: Drew
Ban Length: Perm
Banning Staff Member @NlX0N
Ban Reason: Staff Impersonation
Why I should be unbanned: I was being stupid and i never got in trouble for stuff like that and plus i spent a lot of money on the game over 50$ and i really love the game.
Time of Occurrence: 6/26/23 - 5:04 PM CST
Additional members involved/witnessing: Some Lady i was about to arrest but i dont remeber her name.
Notes: Also Matthew has reviewed my other Appeal and he said i wasnt banned But it says i was.
Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: (Y)
Discord Tag SC0RPIO_Q#2500
Your RP Name: Drew
Ban Length: Perm
Banning Staff Member @NlX0N
Ban Reason: Staff Impersonation
Why I should be unbanned: I was being stupid and i never got in trouble for stuff like that and plus i spent a lot of money on the game over 50$ and i really love the game.
Time of Occurrence: 6/26/23 - 5:04 PM CST
Additional members involved/witnessing: Some Lady i was about to arrest but i dont remeber her name.
Notes: Also Matthew has reviewed my other Appeal and he said i wasnt banned But it says i was.
Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: (Y)