Recent content by ADHD

  1. ADHD

    ALT Account

    Then are you using an alt account?
  2. ADHD

    give me ur robux

    maybe once you get better at da hood LOL
  3. ADHD


  4. ADHD

    what do i put here

    has someone ever unlocked the team role by leveling up on the site as a community member?
  5. ADHD


  6. ADHD

    What do you think of Rockstar Buying out FiveM?

    i think prob better security and they can get servers like fivem in gta online for thoes who cant get gta
  7. ADHD

    give me quesitons

    send me quesitons and i'll answer them if i can. dont expect me to answer every quesiton every single day. i'll answer quesitons when i have time. thanks
  8. ADHD

    hello guys

    hi im awesomehd you can call me lucki or hd if you would like too. i like cops and cars i also like to try out scripting and stuff im active in the server alot and play the game when i can. i also like making new friends in the community if you wanna hangout just add me and we can talk. anyways...
  9. ADHD

    second post :D

    this is my second post and i unlocked the rookie level on my profile. i like to message people on here so if you wanna talk just add me on here and i'lll add you back. enjoy your day guys
  10. ADHD

    liikes and subscribes

    liikes and subscribes
  11. ADHD

    my first post

    yo this is my first post onto the fourms. if you want a follow back come and follow me i'll be happy to follow you back and glad you made it onto my first post
  12. ADHD


  13. ADHD

