Stefanromanul Ban Appeal

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Apr 29, 2023
Roblox Username:Stefanromanul
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): aiisus
Your RP Name: Benjamin Crawford (I think)

Ban Length: PERM BAN
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):
Moderator: 829444663672438807 (this appeard on simpleadmin)

Ban Reason: Reason: 1X VTOS (Bypassing chat "Stupid ass" and he admitted to it)
Why I should be unbanned: I understand now that cussing is not part of the rules, tho when I checked bypassing a cuss word was not part of the V-TOS article. I didn't cuss until this point on perris only cause I didn't think the phrase is that important/bannable and I apologize for that. Also one of the staff (can't remember the name in game) gave me a verbal warning first then I got jailed and banned again by the moderator quoted. If it's such an great offense I do apologize and promise to not repeat the bypass or any other offense, and I can promise that I didn't say it in bad heart, mostly roleplay purpose.

Time of Occurrence:
Start Date: 4/10/2024, 8:17:03 PM
Additional members involved/witnessing: -

Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Y
Hello Stefanromanul,
As stated in our in-game rules a V-TOS (Violation of Term of Service) is a Class D ban with a minimum time of 30 days before you can appeal your Class D ban.

Because of that, I have to unfortunately deny your ban appeal.
You will be able to appeal your ban in 28 days as the writing of this message.

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