Got Banned for no reason at all.

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Sep 3, 2023
So there was this guy who crashed my car on highway and ran away. Then the thing that happened is I chased him and lost him a few times then my car got flipped "A sherrif and AMR hitted my car so it flipped" then I spawned a new car on the road thinking the guy I chased the left the scene then he turned back and drove on me so I shot him. I do not know how but as I saw in his clip I was seen running towards him but in my screen I wasn't running on him as it shows on the clips. Then after this I responded another call at the S&K which a SRU pulled gun to possible suspect at a cop car. Then I pulled my gun too thinking that suspect was in. Then a cop hopped out and said "keep pointing your gun at me i'm gonna send you to jessus" then a staff mamber called "Joker" vanished and near him there was the guy I chased and killed before. He said "look, he doin it again, why do u keep, pointing guns breo" and I said "Oh my bad, I thought suspect was in." and with nothing being said I am directly being banned for actually NO REASON by one of your moderators called "Joker". I do not have any warnings or bans at the past I am in this community since "Victor Valley" game was created. So the point I am trying to say that I have been banned for no reason and this is unacceptable what has been did by this moderator. I have reported lots of people who has RDM'ed or FRP'ed. They have never ever been banned before talking with them or they were not being banned. I am paying money for this community to grow neither does everyone so I do not want to get treated in this way. I have been so surprised and disappointed because of what has had happened. My apologies if I have done or said anything inappropriate. As the community leaders I want you guys to take some action on what has happened…


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