Server Ban Appeal


Your appeal will be accepted, please make sure next time that you take proper action and not shoot at someone while others are standing around that you could end up hitting.

Please let us know if you need anything or need any help.

*Please allow up to 15 minutes for your ban to be lifted. You will be able to access the game in 15 minutes or less.*

Thank you kindly,
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Server Ban Appeal

**Please reply with "I accept / I do not accept**


Your ban appeal has been accepted and you are placed on a One-Strike Policy, this policy will last 28 Days / 4 Weeks. If you are found committing a violation of any kind during this time period your ban will be reinstated permanently.

- This is a rare chance you have been given and we ask you do not hurt our trust by granting this.
- Should you accept you will then be on a One Strike Policy for the time listed above.

Please reply in this thread that you accept this one-strike policy.

For any further questions, or inquiries, feel free contacting our Support Team.
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I Was perm banned in ur game

Roblox Username:elbeex10
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127):
Your RP Name:I Dont remember

Ban Length: Answer this question using Perm Banned
Banning Staff Member (lmaxwell#0)

Ban Reason:
Answer this question using Glitch in FBI Building
Why I should be unbanned:#1 I Genuinly Did not know i was doing a glitch that would ban me permanently And I'm very sorry for what I've done and I Can Fix the mistakes that i have done

Time of Occurrence:
12:51:49 AM
Additional members involved/witnessing: 2 Of my friends were banned Aswell Since they Made me do it with them.

Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes
