• Locked
Accepted Player report against rabbitlove55YT

Roblox Username: overdethbody
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 614401255686668298
Your RP Name: Adam Bowers

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: rabbitlove55YT

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A

Give us an Incident Description: The player was killed before due to trying to steal a LEO vehicle and ran over an officer, then he came back and tried to steal mine, after I cuffed him, he used team changer to tried to avoid being arrested and glitched my vehicle and the RPD officer's Vehicle, then he changed to sheriff and called the false information.

What rules / offences did the player break: FRP, Attempted RTAA, Glitching, NLR, False staff requesting

How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm ban

Time of Occurrence: Fri Sep 13
Additional members involved/witnessing: swish22k is witness.

Note: He did a staff request when he's in cuffs, maybe you can see it in the logs.

Video: Login to view embedded media View: https://youtu.be/NzZ-HkkXMY8

  • Locked
Accepted Player report against jaydenjude0616

Roblox Username: overdethbody
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 614401255686668298
Your RP Name: Adam Bowers

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: jaydenjude0616

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: jayyourfav12

Give us an Incident Description: I just woke out from the station and jaydenjude0616 started tasing randomly, then killed me after I said clipped.

What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, Tool Abuse

How long do you think the player be punished for: 1 day ban for RDM on purpose
Time of Occurrence: Fri Sep 13
Additional members involved/witnessing: Yes, but I don't know the guy's username

Video: https://medal.tv/zh-Hant/games/robl...9/d1337bZo2rTV?invite=cr-MSxWdm0sNDk5MjAyMjYs
Screenshot of the kill log: https://ibb.co/QQHGBRs

  • Locked
Accepted Ban appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: 7xr_ple
Appealing Discord ID : 1131114998781988894
Ban Length: 1 Day
Moderating Staff Member: winneristome
What game did the ban take place in? 🌴 [FiveM] Los Angeles [ALPHA]

Ban Reason: Screenshot 2024-09-12 220332.png
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I should be unbanned since it wasn't RDM, the moderator didn't have roblox vc and mistook it as rdm even tho we rp'd it out in vc.
Login to view embedded media View: https://streamable.com/71f7l4

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: h2.x3

  • Locked
Awaiting User Response My Ban Appeal

My Ban Appeal

Game: Los Angeles

Appealing Roblox Username: Carphunter14
Appealing Discord ID 584380661708619777

Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: LandonEnforcment

Ban Reason: RDM / LTAP
Why I Should Be Unbanned: So a Cop Cuffrushed me and After My Sentence got done I killed that cop which then lead me into the mod scene but Randomly my Roblox Site closed prob bc i wanted to paste the Link in the discord, I Rejoined asap and Contacted Staff, I then got banned for LTAP although it wasnt really but Its complicated.

Additional Members None

Please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal. It is important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure your appeal is considered. Additionally, refrain from sending direct messages or harassing staff members about the status or outcome of your appeal. Patience and adherence to the rules are crucial in this process.


Awaiting Staff Response Discord Ban Appeal

Appealing Discord ID: 925205052170330153

Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: Axoczs

Ban Reason: V-TOS
Why I Should Be Unbanned: The reason I think I should be unbanned is because I was unaware that I bypassed inappropriate language, and that I should receive a warning instead of a permanent ban. I apologize for what I said, and truly believe it was wrong of me. I've only violated this once, and will never intentionally do it. I have no past Mountain Interactive Discord bans or warnings regarding my time being in the Discord server. This is my first offense, and was met with a permanent ban. I wasn't informed about what words I said that could have possibly gotten me banned, until I heard from a friend. Also, there is a user who has engaged in similar behavior in the past, and is still chatting freely in the Discord sever. I was banned for using the term 'd riding' in the public chat, yet they are able to say it freely. I would like to know why they aren't facing the same consequences as I am. Thank you for your time.

Login to view embedded media View: https://imgur.com/MqAH8fg

Login to view embedded media View: https://imgur.com/GJvKR0X

  • Locked
Accepted Dodeg Staff Report

Roblox Username: DaFreakySkittle
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1102764804747300924


Staff Username: dodeg

Discord Username or ID: dodeg 320957071661203467

Description Of the Incident:

Sum it up we had a bolo for felony evasion we got pulled over we ran we got pitted by FBI Police, we drove off then we spun out hit a pole jumped out with our firearms unloaded killed the dude I got shot my friend healed me, I picked up the gun I dropped when I got hit another cop was coming around the corner I shot at him a dude jumped up Infront of the cross-fire I accidently shot him, we get jailed for Mass RDM, I ask for the staff username he doesn't provide it I have to search for it off the player list, he said he is going to need a clip, he wasn't speaking proper English I feel as if he is not competent for his job, I get banned PERM for some made up reason of TR and FR I think he means Trolling and FRP which I indeed wasn't doing I RPed out the crash, and I wasn't trolling in a shootout. I think you will need to do an age check on this guy he not speaking proper English, also his bio and his attachments are NSFW.

Committed Offenses: TR, FP

Time of Occurrence:
9/11/2024 11:20 PM,

Witness: 54AT1C, Rafael, Adam, Orange Car, Jalock1, Swords_Only

Awaiting User Response Ban

Appealing Roblox Username: goPatriotso7
Appealing Discord ID: N/A

Ban Length: Ban list isn't working
Moderating Staff Member: idk
What game did the ban take place in?: [FiveM] Perris, California

Ban Reason: FRP

Why I Should Be Unbanned: I should be unbanned because I had no other options except spawning getting the insert cars I had. because there the scene was done and so then I spawned it. I'm sorry for not following the rules, I should've done something more realistic

Additional Members Involved: 1 person

  • Locked
Rejected My Ban Appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: sps256
Appealing Discord ID: 1108126214712995940

Ban Length: 02 Days.
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. oitz_division/deviousl778491#0
What game did the ban take place in?: LA

Ban Reason: RDM x1, Scene Interference Login to view embedded media View: https://imgur.com/a/p3BaSTm

Why I Should Be Unbanned: I explain further and go in-depth in my video, if you could please take a watch that would be greatly appreciated. Login to view embedded media View: https://youtu.be/oWgXRdkE47E

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: PaladinScorpio

Hey Guys

Hello to the Mountain Interactive community,

My name is PriestSmokey, and I'm a amateur youtuber within the mountain interactive community. You can obtain my YouTube channel information via member profile, or this channel link https://www.youtube.com/@Fi1lthyRum.
You will see me upload from time to time, from cinematic videos, to short videos, depending on what footage I can obtain. And if my schedule is free, you are welcome to send me videos via Email, or Discord @ SmokingBullets#5598.
If you would like to have a video featured down the line, go ahead and message me, and I'll accept it determined by video quality and length. And it may go into a cinematic, montage, or just a short.
My channel is sitting at a static count of 16 subs, and climbing, I really enjoy the community, and the professionalism via the staff, and the awesome players who I've interacted with.

Awesome Community, and a great game catalogue from the team.
Thank you
- Jordan

  • Locked
2oh999 report

Roblox Username: noobyieeeee
Discord ID: 975674485690748970
Your RP Name: Joseph Bridges

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: lilwitekid

Give us an Incident Description: He was making a "citizens arrest", after a bit of arguing he shot me with a pistol, there was no reason for him to do it.

What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, LTAA, FRP, maybe NITRP???

How long do you think the player be punished for: 1-7day ban

Time of Occurrence: 1: Wed Sep 11 07:09:18 2024
2: Wed Sep 11 06:55:03 2024

Video 1: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/iEKMXKXO8x7Fssx7Y/d1337OQJebH3?invite=cr-MSw4RDcsMTkzNjQ1MjgxLA
Video 2: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/iEL1u8ArKwmK-NFOF/d1337xVjrlD3?invite=cr-MSw5TUQsMTkzNjQ1MjgxLA

  • Locked
lilwitekid report

Roblox Username: noobyieeeee
Discord ID: 975674485690748970
Your RP Name: Joseph Bridges

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: lilwitekid

Give us an Incident Description: He was making a "citizens arrest", after a bit of arguing he shot me with a pistol, there was no reason for him to do it.

What rules / offences did the player break: RDM

How long do you think the player be punished for: Warn or a day ban.

Time of Occurrence: Wed Sep 11 06:26:19 2024

Video: (the rdm is near the end) https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/iEKCxHVTOaYwL5UQ5/d1337TIyq6rk?invite=cr-MSxMVEEsMTkzNjQ1MjgxLA

  • Locked
Player Report against (fortnightboi7777)

Roblox Username: Sheluvswholol
Discord ID: 1232913105131016235
Your RP Name: Tyler Allen

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: fortnightboi7777

Discord username of the player: Not sure, may not even be in the discord.

Give us an Incident Description: I was minding my business, and a CHP member pepper sprayed me for no reason, so he ran and hid in another persons car and then got in his car and ran away, So I shot 1x bullet into the vehicle and put my gun away, and then this random RCSO comes up 3-4 seconds after I put my hands down and shoots me? This game cannot be legit. (clip: Login to view embedded media View: https://streamable.com/sdik01

What rules / offences did the player break: RDM / FRP

How long do you think the player be punished for: 2-1 days temp ban

Time of Occurrence:
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

  • Locked
RDM report

Roblox Username: Jacksonwr9909
Discord ID 860646254748893254
Your RP Name: J. Carlson

Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: WantedAuthorities

Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional) eqtza

Give us an Incident Description: Him and his friend came up to us, asking for money. I gave them $10, they then left. One of them came back and say "bro" while the other stayed back and killed us with a switch

What rules / offences did the player break: RDM X1, he rdmed me later when i was standing still

How long do you think the player be punished for: PBAN

Time of Occurrence: 1 AM EST or so
Additional members involved/witnessing: Unknown, isn't in discord.

Login to view embedded media View: https://youtu.be/e0Z2Gl9KtXk

I don't seem to have the clip of him doing it over the $10, but I did send the one of him killing me for no reason.

  • Locked
Ban appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: Ike101029
Appealing Discord ID 1039701865568403587

Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent: Permenant
Moderating Staff Member: .nolon
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris county

Ban Reason: VTOS Violating terms of service
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I believe it was a false ban because so what happened was we were using radios to play music and some dude said it was a diddy party and while he said that I was telling someone they were a fed as he said that and then about 5 minutes later we both were jailed and he held us there for like 5 minutes then I got banned, I didn't say anything that violated TOS I had never mentioned anything about the diddy party because i've already been banned before and lowkey fed up with false bans.

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: YoBolGio can vouch.

Accepted Discord Ban Appeal

Appealing Discord ID: 1136661770258354308

Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: Unknown

Ban Reason: NSFW
Why I Should Be Unbanned: On the same day of my ban, ( which is 6/6/24 ) I was in a voice channel with a friend of mine, and he sent me a picture of a dog that had nudes in it which I wasn't aware of, then he told me to send it to the Mountain Interactive media channel - which I did since in my mind it was a normal picture that is supposed to be scary in some sort of way.

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A

  • Locked
My warning appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: JAX51712
Appealing Discord ID: 1256977517659553895

Warning Date: 9/7/2024
Moderating Staff Member: mikeydead#0
What game did the warning take place in?: Perris

Warning Reason: Answer: IWFD
Warning Appeal: Answer: In my defense he sprayed a hose at me and then ran off which i would call assualt and resisting

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)

  • Locked
Ban appeal

Appealing Roblox Username: willyman775
Appealing Discord ID

Ban Length: Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.)
Moderating Staff Member: swe10101 smt Please refer to Ban List for this information.)
What game did the ban take place in?: perris

Ban Reason: Gl Login to view embedded media View: https://imgur.com/a/BWUO2ij

Why I Should Be Unbanned: so i was at spawn and dude asked me if i want guns ofc i said yes so want he did was take me to fbi place and like detain me and put me in there to get stuff and gave me ar 15 pro or smt and when we did done taht the dude he said i was officaly fbi now so i went on my way think not a big deal but it is becaue is like gl or smt and after that i got tped away and talked to. my fairly new to the rp in ferris and i didnt know this and i want to learn from my mistakes and countine to play.
hope this get fixed.

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)
